Jan Ytredal:
Globalization - A basic economic approach
Report 10/2004, Vestfold University College
56 sider - 60 kroner
Fulltekstutgave (pdf-format)
About the report:
This report explain the process for economic integration of economies of the world. It gives a short historical view of the trade liberalization and a closer look of what has happened since the last world war.
After the Second World War, some important institutions like The International Monetary Fund, IMF, The World Bank and GATT (later WTO) was established. There was an agreement of how to arrange international trade and currencies, an agreement which more or less collapsed around 1970. During this period international trade become more and more free and from the 1970s even capital movements was liberalized.
In the paper there is a study of the differences between rich countries, the competence countries, poor countries the agriculture countries and emerging economies, the new industry countries. There also is a discussion of what factors which are important to explain economic growth.
About the author:
Jan Ytredal (b. 1944) is Associate Professor at Vestfold University College and Cand. Oecon. from Oslo University . Has earlier done work on economy and ecology and has a research stay at Strathclyde University in Glasgow (2001) where he worked on evolutionary game theory.
Copyright: HVE / Jan Ytredal 2004
ISBN: 82-7860-130-5 (Papirutgave)
ISBN: 82-7860-131-3 (Nettutgave)
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